Please take a moment to browse through the many options of classes being offered, and find one that suits your educational, social and spiritual needs.
Can't find what you're looking for? Let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.
No membership at any synagogue or organization is required for any courses, and all are welcome.
Class Structure:
There are a few different styles of classes to choose from:
“Courses” are focused on a specific topic or theme, and have a limited run of between two to six weeks.
“Study Groups” are ongoing weekly classes dedicated to studying a text or book in a deeper manner.
"One on One" are private class with the Rabbi or Instructor.
“Lectures” are talks from a guest scholar or expert.
Classes are given in various location. please read the class detail to insure the correct location.
Registration for classes is strongly encouraged, and certain classes require a minimum amount of participants to
continue. There is no charge for classes unless otherwise noted.